We’ve added a new premium feature for paid members: a powerful Strategy Screener.
The strategy screener allows members to filter and sort tactical asset allocation strategies by any of the statistics that we calculate. Members can choose the number of years to analyze, and whether to include alternate trading days. Have a peek at this sample screenshot:
If you include all of the alternate trading days for monthly trading strategies, we’re currently tracking almost 400 models, and that number will just keep growing in the months and years ahead.
Trying to intelligently analyze all of those strategies on a level playing field is difficult, so the screener includes filters as shown on the right. Users can use the slider to set minimum and maximum acceptable values, and then sort the results by whatever metric(s) they choose.
We want to make sure that we’re providing a ton of extra value to the subscribers who support this site, so we’ve limited this new feature to paid members only.
Take our paid membership for a spin for less than $1 a day. It includes access to all of the strategies in our database, your own custom model portfolio, and premium features like this strategy screener, all with a risk-free money back guarantee.