This is a test of Ilya Kipnis’ “Defensive Adaptive Asset Allocation” (KDA). KDA is a “Meta” model of sorts, combining successful elements of multiple other tactical asset allocation strategies that we track. Results from 1989 to the present, net of transaction costs, follow. Read more about our backtests or let AllocateSmartly help you follow this […]
TAA Strategies
Livingston’s Muscular Portfolios
This is a test of two tactical asset allocation strategies from Brian Livingston’s new book Muscular Portfolios and his site the “Mama Bear” and “Papa Bear” Portfolios. The short and sweet take: neither of these strategies tread new ground – they’re both based on the tried and true concept of “relative” (aka cross-sectional) momentum, and […]
Accelerating Dual Momentum
This is a test of the tactical asset allocation strategy “Accelerating Dual Momentum” (ADM) from ADM is an especially aggressive strategy that ties together multiple concepts from other TAA models that we track. Results from 1990 to the present, net of transaction costs, follow. Read more about our backtests or let AllocateSmartly help you […]
New Strategy Added: Vigilant Asset Allocation – Balanced
Vigilant Asset Allocation from Dr. Keller and JW Keuning is one of the most popular tactical asset allocation strategies that we track (click for the full list). The authors’ original paper includes multiple variations of the strategy, based on the number of assets held at any given time and how aggressively the strategy moves to defensive […]
Testing the Efficiente Index
This test is based on the Efficiente Index from JP Morgan. A variation of this strategy is available via the ETF EFFE. The strategy uses traditional mean-variance optimization (aka the “Efficient Frontier”) to trade a broad basket of asset classes, but it’s actually a momentum strategy in disguise. The strategy hasn’t generated huge returns, but […]
Sector Rotation with Fama-French Alphas
Allocate Smartly tests and tracks asset allocation strategies sourced from books, academic papers and other publications. Most of the strategies that we test though never make it on to this site. There are a variety of reasons that might be, but often it’s simply because they’re not very good. Usually we just let those strategies […]
Meta Strategy: A Smart Approach to Combining TAA Strategies
We’re very excited for the launch of an awesome new feature for our members: Meta Strategy. We track a wide range of published tactical asset allocation strategies in near real-time (40 and counting), which members can then combine into their own custom portfolios. Our platform helps members better understand how each strategy fits into a […]
Meb Faber’s Trinity Portfolio (Lite)
This is a test of the Trinity Portfolio from Meb Faber and Cambria Investments, so named for the three key elements of the strategy: (1) a globally diversified mix of assets, (2) a tilt towards the value and momentum factors, and (3) exposure to momentum and trend-following. We’ve titled our test Trinity “Lite” because we’ve made […]
Vigilant Asset Allocation from Dr. Wouter Keller and JW Keuning
This is a test of the “Vigilant Asset Allocation” (VAA) strategy from the recently published paper: Breadth Momentum and Vigilant Asset Allocation, by Dr. Wouter Keller and JW Keuning. This is an aggressive momentum trading model, similar in spirit to Keller and Keuning’s popular Protective Asset Allocation strategy. Results versus the 60/40 benchmark from 1971 to […]
Classical Asset Allocation: Combining Markowitz and Momentum
This is a test of the “Classical Asset Allocation” strategy from the paper Momentum and Markowitz: A Golden Combination, authored by three of our favorite minds in tactical asset allocation: Dr. Wouter Keller, Adam Butler of GestaltU/ReSolve AM, and Ilya Kipnis from the blog QuantStrat TradeR. This TAA model employs Markowitz’s classic mean-variance optimization, coupled […]