We’ve added a new objective to the Portfolio Optimizer. Members can now find the combination of TAA strategies that would have maximized the Ulcer Performance Index (UPI), aka the “Martin Ratio”. Members: begin exploring the Max UPI portfolios now. UPI is a measure of return relative to drawdowns (i.e. losses). It captures both the length […]
Make Things Easy on Yourself: “Roll Up” Small Asset Positions
Here are some things we know about Tactical Asset Allocation: (Learn more: What is TAA?) We shouldn’t go 100% “all in” on just one TAA strategy. That introduces “specification risk”, or the risk that we’ve bet on an underperforming horse. Instead, we should combine multiple strategies together into what we call Model Portfolios. When trading […]
Linear vs Logarithmic Charts: When Log Is Better, and When Neither Is Very Good
This is quick explainer on linear vs logarithmic charts. We hope that even experienced users who are familiar with the subject will find a nugget or two of useful wisdom in here. We provide all backtests in two flavors: linear and logarithmic (log). There’s a button below each chart where you can switch between them […]
New Performance Charts with Awesome New Features
We’ve radically redesigned the charts we use to show backtested performance throughout the member’s platform. At first glance, the new charts look familiar, but there are a ton of useful ways members can now manipulate them. Let’s look at four new features: Zoom by predefined periods, with rebasing to $10,000 Zoom by specific start and […]
Meb Faber’s 12-Month High Switch
This is a test of the 12-Month High Switch Model, a Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) strategy from Meb Faber. Meb has done more than anyone to popularize TAA as a trading style, including many of the fundamental concepts used today. This is another of his simple but effective ideas. Backtested results from 1970 follow. Results […]
New Feature: Alternative Benchmarks
Members can now compare both investment strategies and their own custom Model Portfolios to alternative benchmarks like the S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100. Previously, we only benchmarked to the 60/40 (60% US stocks, 40% US bonds), the de facto standard in US asset management. To try it now, go to Compare Strategies and select up […]
European Investors and TAA Strategies: Four Approaches
We track 80+ Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) strategies, most of which were designed from the perspective of a US investor trading US ETFs. Most European investors can’t access US ETFs, instead trading UCITS funds listed on non-US exchanges, often denominated in currencies other than USD. In this post we’ll provide data analyzing four approaches a […]
Portfolio Optimizer Version 3.0: Custom Optimized Model Portfolios
We just released version 3.0 of our Portfolio Optimizer for Pro members and it’s awesome. New here? We track Tactical Asset Allocation strategies. Members can combine those strategies together into what we call “Model Portfolios”. The Portfolio Optimizer shows the optimal mix of strategies to trade in your Model Portfolios based on objectives like maximizing […]
Dr. Keller & Keuning’s Simple Variation of “Hybrid Asset Allocation”
This is a test of the “simple” variation of Dr. Keller and Keuning’s strategy from their paper Dual and Canary Momentum with Rising Yields/Inflation: Hybrid Asset Allocation (HAA). We’ve covered the “balanced” version of HAA previously. It has become one of the more popular strategies on our platform, and members have asked us to add […]
Choi’s Dividend & Growth Allocation
Edit 01/10/24: This post has been revised since initial publication. See the end notes to learn more. This is a test of Paul Choi’s paper Balance Between Growth and Dividend: Dividend & Growth Allocation (DGA). This strategy would have delivered exceptional performance over the last 50 years, but we would temper future expectations for several […]