We had mentioned this in passing on previous posts, but never expounded upon it here on the blog. We thought it would be too boring and down in the weeds. But the emails just keep coming (we forgot our members tend to be as analytically-minded as we are), so here are the details… Meta is […]
TAA Strategies
Blending Buy & Hold with Tactical, A “Lethargic” Approach to Asset Allocation
This is a test of a new paper from Dr. Wouter Keller titled Growth-Trend Timing and 60-40 Variations: Lethargic Asset Allocation (LAA). This is primarily a buy & hold strategy that’s roughly based on the classic “Permanent Portfolio”, but it includes an element of tactical asset allocation. This blending of buy & hold with tactical […]
Beware Strategies That Fall Down on Good Data
Sources of long-term historical data are few and far between. Because it’s been generously provided for free, one of the most often used is data from Professor French (of Fama-French fame). Others include Shiller and Ibbotson. These datasets are fine for a first pass at testing out ideas, but they often don’t remotely match up […]
Testing a Yield-Based Asset Class Rotation Strategy
By reader request, this is a test of a tactical strategy from Harrison Schwartz that considers various economic yields in order to rotate among asset classes. Strategy results versus the 60/40 benchmark follow. We’ve extended Schwartz’s original test by an additional 6+ years, and accounted for transaction costs (see backtest assumptions). Learn about what we […]
Buying Global Stocks at All-Time Highs
This analysis was inspired by EconomPic and Meb Faber. Here we test a simple strategy that goes long Global Stocks (ACWI) when they make a new all-time month-end high, otherwise US bonds. The takeaway: Don’t fear buying stock (indices) when they close at all-time highs. A new high shouldn’t be your only reason for buying […]
The Ubiquitous “Sell in May”
As a site that tracks all things asset allocation, it seems like a miss not to include the most well known of asset allocation strategies: “Sell in May and go away” (aka the Halloween Indicator). This is a fitting time to add it to the lineup: The strategy is killing it this year and a […]
Quint Switching Filtered: Not as Simple as It Appears to Be
This is a test of the Quint Switching Filtered strategy from Lewis Glenn. On the surface this is a run-of-the-mill tactical asset allocation strategy based on short-term momentum, not unlike several strategies that we track. But digging a little deeper, we’ll highlight qualities that make this strategy unique – both for the better and the […]
Movement Capital’s Composite Strategy: Balancing Strategy and Asset Risk
This is a test of Movement Capital’s Composite Strategy. It combines tactical asset allocation with passive buy & hold. This balance between strategy risk and asset risk may be psychologically easier to trade, encouraging investors to stick with a smart investment plan when either style finds itself out of favor. Results from 1970 net of […]
Philosophical Economics’ Growth-Trend Timing (Redux)
This is a test of two variations of the Growth-Trend Timing (GTT) strategy from the always thought-provoking Philosophical Economics. GTT combines trends in both price and key economic indicators to switch between US equities and cash. Like most trend-following strategies, the strength of GTT hasn’t been in generating outsized returns; it has been in maintaining […]
Strategy-Asset Matrix
The table below shows the asset classes traded by each of the public strategies that we track. Note that this is the strategy’s entire asset universe, and most strategies will only hold a subset of these at any given time. We compiled this data as part of a big upcoming site upgrade, but a number […]